Elderly first

This is just a normal incident that I encountered today.

I just got back to Japan and I already have some things to do, like getting hanko (stamp) from my Professor on my return form and give that form back to administration office. Well, seems like simple things yes?


Well, it’s exaggerating to write it with all capitals, haha. But concerning the fact that my lab is at Komaba, and the administration office is at Hongo, I kinda have to divide my time to do those two crucial things.

So, yesterday I went to Komaba and got my Professor’s stamp. Too bad I didn’t meet him cause he’s away from lab yesterday. And today I went to Hongo to submit the form and sign my December scholarship.

On my way back, I was rushing for Ashar time. Maghrib time is so fast these days that I might miss Ashar time if I didn’t go back to my dorm fast.

So I took the bus. The expensive bus that costs me 210 yen for one trip only. *shakes fist*

The bus was kinda empty when I boarded it. Never mind, I knew it’s going to be full once it reached the 2nd bus stop outside the train station.

My guess was correct. But the thing is, most of the passengers that boarded the bus at 2nd bus stop were elders. “This is kinda weird,” that’s what I thought.

The bus was already half full when those elders were on the bus. And as expected, most of other passengers stood up, and gave their seats to those elders who hadn’t sat yet.

I gave my seat too by the way. I still know the manner of Japan :p

What amused me is.. I am still amazed of how different it is compared to my country. People in my country won’t give their seats that easily to elders, especially when they’re already tired and cranky. They would pretend to fall asleep hence they won’t need to give their seats to those who need it more than them.

Well, there’s also another factor called the comfort of travelling. Public transport in Japan is really comfortable that people actually don’t mind to stand up for the whole trip. While back at home, if you stand up for the whole trip, you’d get foot cramp by the end of the day. Not to mention the traffic jam that might sometimes make you want to kill someone.

It’s a pity actually. Indonesia is stamped as one of the most hospitable nations, but towards our own people, we are apparently not that kind. But we can’t blame it on them fully. It’s like a vicious circle.

Anyway, autumn is ending.. I kinda sad that it means winter is going to come soon.

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