Zal tried to roll over.. and he did it!

This morning, around 3 am, Zal suddenly woke up. He was previously facing to the left and I was already on his right when he woke up (see, I try to balance sides whenever I feed him. Right-left-right-left), so I turned him to me, thinking that maybe he wanted to feed again.

Then halfway to his right, suddenly I saw him trying to go further than just facing right.. which means probably he wanted to try rolling over!

I was so excited cause well, that would mark another milestone of him.

My guess was correct since Zal kept trying to turn his back. I cheered, “Keep going, baby. Mama is here, keep going!

That was 3 am, lol.

He looked like he was out of breath trying to roll over I almost stopped him, but he didn’t cry at all and his voice was all “Euuhhhh, eghhhhh

Much like his voice when he wants to take care his business ahahaha.

Finally, after several minutes, he managed to roll!! I am a proud Mama!!

Finished? No. Next he tried to lift his head and that was when he failed (probably already so tired) and eventually he cried.

I lifted him up immediately, pacified him, and fed him.

He fell asleep quite fast.

I can’t stop smiling. Zal keeps making me feeling proud and speechless. Looking at him trying so hard and relentlessly to roll over -something that is so easy for us adults- makes me want to be like him. Never give up, keep trying, and moving forward.

*kisses my baby*

(no pictures were taken cause it was -again- 3 am and I didn’t want to wake my husband due to lights being on, haha. Hopefully next time)

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