A few months ago, I saw a Groupon ad for a baby photoshoot. I immediately grabbed it, of course. And I made an appointment to have the photoshoot just after Zal turned 1 :p
So off we went to the studio on Feb 15th. The studio is quite small, and to be honest it wasn’t like what I expected it would look like. The photographer, I assume, is Chinese, based on his accent. When we got there around 11 am for our appointment, there was still a family inside with their baby girl. Then I just had this thought that perhaps it would be easier to have this kind of photoshoot when Zal was still a baby. Now that he’s a toddler, and he has started to show his emotion more often, he’s getting more difficult to handle. And I was kinda afraid that he won’t smile at all during the photoshoot.
Turned out I was right. NO SMILE AT ALL, except for some rare occasions. I already set my expectation to be quite low, so I wasn’t that all disappointed anyway. We shoot him in several costumes, and we also got some family shots.
A day after the photoshoot, the guy sent us the previews of all the photos via google drive. I was like huh? when I saw the link. But anyway.
With our Groupon voucher, we were entitled to 5 soft copies – original and edited version -. But seeing the pictures, we had a hard time choosing only 5! Luckily, we got extra one piece free if we allow Zal’s photos to be put on the photo studio facebook page. We got 6 then.
But, of course being a rabid mom, I was greedy for more. I decided to choose another two. We need to top up 20 bucks per piece. It was a bit pricey, I think 🙁
And then the photographer offered me if I want to take ALL photos if I am willing to top up another 50 bucks.
I was so tempted. But of course my husband said NO.
Oh well. We will have another one later. When Zal understands how to model well. Meanwhile, here are the pictures 😀

Wearing a panda costume! It was so difficult to get him to wear this one!

Decided to up the game with Angry Bird jacket!

A close up shot, made him look like Korean artist.

“Yo, what’s up, dude?”

Look at that hat on top of his head! But of course he grabbed it as fast as he can xD

One of the rare occasions when he actually smiled <3

And of course, a family shot.
We are quite satisfied with the result. There are also pictures from outdoor shots as well. But considering they were only shot at a very hot rooftop, the pictures were not as good as the indoors one. We might come back to this same photo studio if they still have a promotion in the future.
Here is the Facebook page of the photo studio if anyone’s interested.