After a particularly rough week (no kidding, the roughest week I’ve had ever since I started working at my current company – but there’s another story that shall remain private), finally weekend came.
This Saturday, we didn’t really have a plan. At first, we were going to take Zal for another swimming session at Hougang SC in the morning, but we also wanted to see the IT Show at Suntec. Considering that we would still be able to get Zal to swim in the afternoon while going to Suntec after lunch may not be a good idea, so we decided to visit the IT Show in the morning and go for swimming in the afternoon.
At first, we only wanted to check if the IT Show has a promotion for iPad Mini 2. I was quite skeptical cause: 1) It’s Apple. No way the price is going to be different from Apple Store, 2) It’s Apple. No way the price is going to be down without no model coming.
And of course, I was right. The only difference is just the freebies, which I think it’s not even worth it.
Husband wanted to see if there’s a good deal for Microsoft Office. But decided to just forget about it cause in the end, he’s not using Office that often anyway.
After we’re done with the IT Show, we went to Marina Square to get some food and to check the baby room (Zal needs to eat, of course).
We found this Balloon exhibition instead!

Of course, we let Zal go rampant 🎉

Ready to conquer!

But need to to make sure that his troller is safe first.


More balloons!

Oh yikes. Luckily those teeth are soft.

And of course, we need to take a family selfie.
The exhibition lasted until March 22 at Marina Square, in case anyone is interested.