I was brainstorming for a catchy title, but I could only come up with the thing you saw above, so yeah, bear with me please :p
So, what’s the story?
We already threw Zal a small birthday party on the day of his birthday itself. But since we also wanted to have a gathering with friends, and a birthday party seems like a good excuse, so we threw another one a few weeks after.
Oh, yeah, and it’s also an excuse for me having a sort of party for myself as well (FYI, my birthday is 4 days later than Zal’s)
Some things we sort a few weeks before.
Place – Home
We had some ideas of having it outside, but the cost didn’t seem like it’s worth it. Having it at home sounds more casual and easier for our friends anyway.
Food – Kamilah Cakes
I wanted cake for Zal and cupcakes for me. At first, I thought about ordering both from different people cause I got several recommendations for both. But Husband said it’s better if we can just order from one person since it would be easier. So I agreed. Out of all the recommendations I got, I love the one for Mbak Maya’s lemon cake, plus she can make some customizations as well. So for Zal, I ordered a Panda cake and blue-white cupcakes (with ‘28′ on top of some of them) for me.
I also ordered risoles and sosis solo from Mbak Maya. They are really nice that we ran out of them before I even got a chance to take pictures!
Decorations – Some balloons and simple ribbon
To be honest, neither I and Husband know how to decorate .__. But we tried our best! We bought some balloons and ribbon from a party store at Changi City Point and Compassvale. They were nothing fancy, but overall, they look decent, haha. Oh well, we will try to do better for his next birthday party.
Or we’re just going to do the next one outside, where the decorations can be made by someone else *lazy mom*
So, how was the party?
Alhamdulillah, everything went well!
Cakes arrived an hour before the party, just like Mbak Maya promised. I managed to take some shots of the cakes before everything went away.
The lemon cake is realllyyyy nice. Not too sweet just like Husband wanted and tasted so fresh either. I bet it’s all the lemon!
Oh and I didn’t think the size that I ordered would be big, but turned out it’s SUPER BIG.
Love the cupcakes as well! The blue color looked so pretty I almost couldn’t bring myself to eat them, lol.

And of course, shots from the most important part of the party: blowing off the candles. Which successfully done while the birthday boy cried his eyes out. FML.

And of course, thanks to everyone who came 🙂

Thank you tante Echa, tante Ellen, om Habibi, om Phay, and tante Dika 🙂

And om Didik, tante Dieny, om Yodha, tante Dhini, om Iqbal, tante Ipeh, tante Icha, tante Dilla, tante Atik, om Koka, tante Dina.
And special thanks as well to kak Afa, adek Ulya, mbak Arin, dek Kirana, and kak Fiya
– Zal.
Thank you, friends! Really appreciated you guys coming all the way from your place :). We are really grateful!