Why is it that I never have luck with anything related to cheese?
Was craving for macaroni and cheese after seeing this recipe and it looked pretty easy so I surrendered to temptation and decided to make it for my dinner last night.
While the result was not that bad, I still feel that it was galaxies away from the one I expected. Sigh. Me and my non-existent talent in cooking.
Anyway, here’s my modified recipe, if anyone’s interested.
- 250 gr macaroni
- 250 ml milk (I used low-fat one) – This amount may change cause you still need to add more milk when you cook the macaroni, so just keep 1 L of it around.
- 2 tbsp butter
- 3 sausages, chopped.
- 1 slice of cheese
- Some parmesan (or basically any shredded cheese you have ready)
- Pepper to taste
How to:
- Mix the butter and the milk in a pan. Bring to boil.
- Toss macaroni in it, keep mixing until it’s al dente. Don’t let it dry. Keep adding milk as much as you need.
- Put sausages into it. Cooked until it’s done.
- Put the sliced and shredded cheese into it. Mix again.
- Add some pepper to taste.
Some notes:
- Sausages – the original recipe calls for 4 pieces, but with the sizes, I found in Singapore’s grocery shop, two or three pieces would be enough
- I skipped the salt as well cause the cheese that I used is already salty enough.
- I skipped the egg as well cause I didn’t feel like eating an egg on top of cheese and milk, lol.
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