When I first met him 13 years ago, he was just a little boy carrying a backpack and a big water bottle. He was (most of the time) the first one to reach class cause of his house location that is quite far from school and its famous traffic jam.
Among three boys in our class, he’s like the middle child. Always ready to calm the eldest and youngest one (you know who you are). He is one of those people you wish to be your brother for life. He’s kind, caring, and one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. Being an only child doesn’t make him a spoilt one; instead he was really independent and mature for his age.
When he first broke the news of his marriage few months ago (as per our tradition), I made a mental note that I have to be there on his happy day. And alhamdulillah, Allah made it easier for me and my family to come 🙂
It felt surreal to see him on his wedding attire. You know that feeling when you saw your little brother grew up in front of you and you just realized how time flies?
Yeah, kinda like that.
Except that it’s not a bittersweet feeling for me. He’s now the man of his own family, an imaam to his wife, a father to his future children. Marriage life is surely a challenge, but I am pretty sure he’s gonna be ok.
And what’s a family occasion without family portrait?