One of Husband’s dream destinations in Japan is to visit Hakone and to see Mt Fuji. But sadly, it failed big time..
First, we woke up quite late. Second, we struggled to find the ticketing place that sells one round trip to Hakone (Shinjuku IS confusing. I should have learned my lesson). And third.. it rained the whole day and when we reached Kawaguchi-ko, the last ship already left since sun was already set really early. We wasted 20,000 JPY just like that. So heartbroken.
That’s why we only have few pictures from day 2 – since we couldn’t really see anything.

We were really hungry but we didn’t really bring anything to eat. Little guy survived the day through some oranges and onigiri, and he nursed a lot.
See. This trip is so fail that we don’t have even pictures from Kawaguchi-ko. Sigh.

We were so tired at night that we didn’t even bother to look for Halal restaurant. Luckily, there was a Turkish restaurant Husband found accidentally. So he spent 3,000 JPY for a set of kebab (I guess?). We finally had a decent dinner.
It was a very disappointing day.
I still feel bad until now that I make a promise to myself: next time we come to Japan again, we HAVE TO see Mount Fuji.