I like this tradition of jotting down some of notes and next achievements (pppf) for the upcoming year – perhaps this is something that I will do quite often just to check how far I have come at some points of the year.
Without further ado, here is for 2016 – the year of uncertainty and turbulence.

Two weeks of holiday in Jakarta
…and learn how inefficient Indonesia’s system once again. Ok, to be fair, it wasn’t all that bad. The system has improved a lot although it’s still far away from what I imagined Indonesia would have after a decade. I am not sure whom I should give credit to.. Foke? Ahok? Jokowi?
I ate A LOT during my two weeks in Jakarta and gained about 3 kgs (gasp!) lol. I think M gained most of his birth weigh from all of those fattening food.
Sadly, we only had one meet up when we were there 🙁 And it only happened for about 10 minutes! I was so sad but I knew that we had too many things going on.
Anyway, seems like we’re not going to have such holiday again in the near future. At least not after one of the kids is old enough *glares at Z*
Malta was born
Yay to second child in 2016! Haha. M was born so much faster than Z. Only 4 hours after I arrived in the hospital and I popped out just like that. And even though I gave birth without epidural, surprisingly I recovered faster than my time with Z. My adrenaline level must have been quite high that I didn’t feel tired at all until the next day. Unlike Z, I got an hour of skin-to-skin with M and he was a champ in suckling!
Back at home.. I must say having second child is.. draining. I thought the age gap would be just nice – just like me and my sister. But apparently I forgot to factor-in the fact that my first born still needs a lot of attentions. And he’s one hell of an attention seeker. Most of my nights are not spent trying to lull M to sleep – instead it’s to get Z to sleep first because if Z is still awake there’s no point having M asleep.
But it has been fun. I keep reminding myself that this is just a phase and not going to stay long.
The real challenge will start when I am back to work. And as much as I dread pumping, I am actually kinda looking forward to go back to work!
[Sidenote: M may be our last child – hence I was feeling bittersweet when I was discharged from the hospital and having my last postnatal check up with my wonderful gynae.]
Zal passed two years of breastfeeding
Alhamdulillah, it’s been a blessing. And I managed to extend it to another 9 months – which I think helps me having contraction a lot faster. Weaning him was surprisingly quite easy. I just told him that he’s already a big boy and no more nursing. He only needed to nurse when he wants to sleep so I just snuggled him and whispered into his ear that I love him so much :’)
Politics is nasty so stay away from it
If I ever thought of joining ANY kind of politics (including office one), I will take a look at this post and remind myself to STAY THE HELL AWAY from it.
One, it against everything that I believe in. Two, I am never a talker anyway.
[Sidenote 2: and this sounds so ironic considering that my father is a member of regional parliament back in his hometown]
And here it comes the one for 2017!

Fix my prayer (badly needed)
This is so long overdue and dragging from last year. I am ashamed at myself. I am looking for a way to be more productive and on time for my prayer. NEED TO IMPROVE. PRONTO.
SQL refresher
This is more like professional goal to me. Husband mentioned about several interviewees he encountered that don’t even know basic SQL skill at all – which is really weird considering all of them are experienced software engineers. I feel like my SQL skill has been rusty and I need a refresher. This skill will definitely be handy in the future.
Pass Java 8 certification
Company sponsored so must pass no matter what. Haha.
Kidding. This has been my personal goal since last year as well. I have to pass!
Pass JLPT N5
This is a downgrade from last year 🙁 I was aiming for at least passing N4 by the end of 2016. But with two kids, the best I could do is aiming for N5 this year. I don’t think I can take July’s JLPT – so my bet will be on December’s JLPT.
One year of breastfeeding Malta
Bismillah. Insya Allah. I hope my breastfeeding journey with M will be smooth sailing just like Z’s. I can still endure the weird sleeping schedule – just not with breastfeeding issue. Hope M will adapt well with bottle feeding and can take either EBM or FBM.
Finish 12 books at least (one book per month)
Cause I used to be a book worm and I love the book worm version of myself. I was less needy and less emotional. Book is my source of comfort. Book is where I take shelter whenever I am lonely.
As usual, I am putting more to-do stuffs on my list. Haha. Oh well. Let’s check back in few months and see how I have fared then.