And just like that – in the blink of an eye – January passed by. February is finally here and only few weeks until I am back to work.
As much as I love my boys, going back to work is somehow exciting for me. I would be the first one to vouch that stay-at-home mom is not for everyone.
Anyway, onto January edition!

One day, we were just lying around and I had the idea of calling their Papa via Hangout. Haha. The picture is blur cause my phone’s front camera sucks.

If only every morning could be like this.. but I am never that lucky with them lol. Both love to sleep like a starfish though!

Can you guess?! Haha. Some people got it right I was quite amazed. If you haven’t figured by now, Zal is on the left while Malta is on the right :p. Zal is definitely more hairy than Malta haha.

Sometimes, if we ask politely, Zal is more than willing to kiss and ‘sayang’ his brother. This is one of the rare moments I could capture with my crappy camera!

Zal loves to join us whenever I am nursing Malta – which can be annoying when Malta is actually sleepy. Their faces started to look different somehow.

Another side by side comparison! Malta is definitely rounder and has softer facial feature than Zal. Zal was already looking like a big boss here hahahaha.

This was taken when we reached home after a long journey to the west lol. Malta was originally asleep though but when I put him on the mattress, he just opened his eyes. Again, their favorite sleeping pose : Starfish!