Ramadhan memories

Ramadhan Kareem, everyone! 🙂 It still feels like yesterday when I was fasting last year with M still in my tummy and now… a year later, M is 7 months old and we meet Ramadhan again, alhamdulillah. Ramadhan will always be special for us Muslims. And it’s even more special for us Indonesians who are…

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Year End and New Year!

I like this tradition of jotting down some of notes and next achievements (pppf) for the upcoming year – perhaps this is something that I will do quite often just to check how far I have come at some points of the year. Without further ado, here is for 2016 – the year of uncertainty…

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Out of your comfort zone

Husband had a very eye-opening chat with one of our seniors. And I have to say I felt really really thankful for that 🙂 We are nearing our thirties with two kids in a tow – and yet we are still quite unsure on where to go next. Sure, we have a very good life…

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I thought family means ‘no one left behind’ or to be more realistic, ‘your secrets are safe with me’. Or even the simplest one I can expect, ‘we accept you as you’. Apparently that’s not the case with Indonesians. What you call family is people who can also stab you in the back or even talking bad/gossiping about…

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