How I Met This Show
The 9 seasons series has its success but also its pitfalls.
The 9 seasons series has its success but also its pitfalls.
I was a kid – with her favorites.
Bismillah, Being a 90s kid means that you have lots of things to feel nostalgic about. Starting from the fashion, music, even TV shows. Life was much simpler back then and I could have not been happier. My life was revolving around school, homework, friends, and navigating conflicts with parents. Well, not going to say…
I have been a bookworm since I was kid but knowing that my family didn’t have budget to accommodate my hobby, I tried my best to save my own money to buy books. My choices of books were limited back then so mostly I just bought comics — and they were already not so cheap!
Bismillah, Few months ago, I opened my Facebook and found this post Ok – granted that this post is 4 months old, but oh wow, it has been twenty years?! How crazy time flies!
Bismillah, Nggak terasa tiba-tiba udah bulan April – dan udah sebulan juga bolos nulis blog, hehehe. Ga ada alasan lain selain it was some sort of a March Madness. Masa-masa penutupan kuarter pertama berarti saya berpacu dengan waktu untuk menyelesaikan projects baik di kantor ataupun personal. Anyway, now that that’s over, dan saya bisa bernapas…