Bismillah, To say that 2020 is weird is an understatement itself. And I think I share the same sentiments like everyone else on this planet haha. To think that we marched into 2020 feeling worried albeit hopeful — just to be crushed down to the ground back in March. I still remember I felt like…

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As I ascended towards the stair, I saw Gil. He was just wearing a plain shirt with jeans but somehow he looked so perfect. Sadly he was not mine. “Hey you.” I said with a smile on my face. My best friend deserved that. “Hey you.” He said back. And then he pulled me into…

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I can never let you go

Seira sat there — cross legged. It’s about time she started her job as a BBQ coordinator for this alumni party. But she was too lazy to even get up. She even questioned why did she come at the first place. Don’t you have better things to do, Seira? I do

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Japanese Dramas Back Then

Bismillah, Being a 90s kid means that you have lots of things to feel nostalgic about. Starting from the fashion, music, even TV shows. Life was much simpler back then and I could have not been happier. My life was revolving around school, homework, friends, and navigating conflicts with parents. Well, not going to say…

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At platform 9 3/4, I left my heart

I have been a bookworm since I was kid but knowing that my family didn’t have budget to accommodate my hobby, I tried my best to save my own money to buy books. My choices of books were limited back then so mostly I just bought comics — and they were already not so cheap!

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