
Arashi; Always “Satoshi-kun?” Ohno snuggled a bit hearing his name mentioned. He opened his eyes a bit, and he found a pair of eyes staring at him. “Sho-kun? What time is it now?” “It’s.. almost 3 am.” “Why didn’t you sleep?” “I.. can’t” “You can’t?” Sho shook his head. Ohno straightened his body. They had…

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Lost You For A While

Title: Lost You For A While Author: itsmysunshine Pairing: H/G Rating: PG Word Count: 1332 Summary/Prompt: Something you lost might turn up soon. Notes: Written for the Fortune Cookie Challenge at  hpgw_otp. 4th year Ginny Weasley would never ever forgive herself for listening to Hermione. “Gin?” Ginny lifted up her face. Hermione looked at her…

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James’ Birthday Gift

“Hermione, come on! We’ll be late if you’re not hurry!” said Ron from living room. Bloody hell, why do woman always have to be so slow whenever it comes to makeup and dress?, Ron muttered and looked so annoyed. “Hermione!” Ron shouted even louder. And still there’s no answer. Furiously, Ron took steps to the…

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At The Beach

“CUT!” Jun released Mao from his embrace. Her clothes were dump from the water. Mao shivered. “Samui….,” she told while putting both of her hands on her sleeves. The wind blew quite hard even though it was a sunny day. She couldn’t believe how cold the weather was despite the beauty of the beach. “What…

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きれい (Pretty)

Title : Kirei [Beautiful] Author : itsmysunshine@LJ Pairing : Naruse Ryo & Sakita Shiori Rating : G Word Count : 1,072 Disclaimer : None of them belongs to me. Summary : Episode 8. Basically, it’s more of a summary? I don’t know what to call it.. Notes : I have to resist myself from crying…

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It was nice to be appreciated for your hard work Me, 2016 Back in 2014, I felt so hurt and unappreciated by some people that I thought care about me. It was a very toxic environment. So I decided to leave. With Allah’s help, I started rebuilding my professional career with new mindset and environment….

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