Rio and Gege are in town!

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.  – William Shakespeare Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my second family. The 8 people whom I cherish and care with all my heart. As…

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Hello weekend!

After a particularly rough week (no kidding, the roughest week I’ve had ever since I started working at my current company – but there’s another story that shall remain private), finally weekend came. This Saturday, we didn’t really have a plan. At first, we were going to take Zal for another swimming session at Hougang…

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chibird: Happy Pi Day! It seems like the most deserving of people are also the most generous. Always loving her artwork. Too cute to not be shared! Happy Pi Day!

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Socially awkward

googlygooeys: Introverted pre-party jitters. 🙈👻👆 New post is up on the blog. Link is on the bio. Anyone else who also suffers from an irrational fear of meeting people? 😅 (at As an introvert myself, I so can relate to this! Except for the last part of course, cause when I don’t feel like…

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Alhamdulillah it’s Monday!

Had a very bad morning due to lack of sleep. Recently Zal started to wake up very often at night, and he ALWAYS want to nurse for very long time. But I suspect it’s also due to my decreased supply this week. Well, what do you expect when Mrs. P starts her regular visit. Grawl….

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