Tiger Mom

I grew up under a very strict regime and schedule by Dad. I wasn’t even allowed to play outside after school until I was about 7 or 8. My world was literally school and home. I wasn’t complaining much because at that time I thought that’s what I was supposed to do.

Dad always told me that education is important. He couldn’t give me wealth or money, but he would make sure that I got the best education he could afford. But I had to work hard as well. Best schools will bring you a good future and would only accept best students.

I believed what Dad said. So I worked hard. I studied hard to get #1 rank in class. And ever since then, it’s becoming a habit. If I couldn’t get the best, I would feel so pissed off and mad at myself.

Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t regret how I grew up. I am thankful for Dad for getting me on track. It molds my personality as well.


Now, being a parent, I understand even more what Dad meant back then. Wealth and fortune won’t last forever, but as long as you have a good education and work ethic, you can get anywhere (insya Allah).

To be able to provide good education, means you have to settle for the education fund. I and Husband talked about this and we will soon start the fund for Zal and his siblings soon.

But like Dad had taught me, I have to teach the good work ethic to my children as well. And, I need to keep my brain sharp so I can still catch up to whatever the children are learning at least until they’re in college.

Both are real challenges. I need to find a way to keep my children interested in studying and at the same time, I need to do something with my brain. I mean, age will catch up soon and if I don’t do anything, my brain will become dull.

So, overall my strategies are these.

  • Taught my children that education is part of our deed to Allah, and whoever has good knowledge will be rewarded nicely
  • Told them that wealth and money will not last, but education will.
  • Live a frugal life to teach my children how to live humbly.
  • Keep my mind sharp: Doing some Math and Physics A Level, reading lots of books.
  • Live a healthy life. More water and exercises.

I think that’s all? Yeah, I still have a long way to go. Hopefully, these will work well.

For now, Zal is still a very cute toddler 🙂 I love playing with him albeit tiring. I will enjoy these moments until I need to be a tiger mom x)

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