Family Schedules

Bismillah, GOOD MORNING FROM JAKARTA! (yes, I am on mudik mode now, so please excuse a might-be-too-friendly cheery greeting lol) Anyway, no. Not going to talk about our traveling experience (yet) because it was nothing but tiring. So there — it should sum it up nicely. Let me just write about something that has been…

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At 4 AM

Bismillah, I woke up – at 4 am. I looked at your face and I smiled in the dark. Your peaceful smile, your steady breath, your curly hair, and your full lips. I caressed your cheeks, feeling like my tears were going to drop. It has been a wonderful journey. And my baby, my prince,…

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Hello, 2019.

Bismillah, I have a habit of doing a yearly review on the last day of the year but somehow I missed it last year – perhaps due to the anxiety and unknowns of moving to a new country. Alhamdulillah, it’s getting better this year. It’s time for me to sit and jot down the reviews….

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