Yeah. So on that. It has been two years that I had waited for this new special -whatever- anything that can give me my Benedict Sherlock fix. When the torrent was out earlier this morning, I went batshit crazy and couldn’t wait until we were finally home and watched it for our Saturday movie date.
It started great! Absolutely love Benedict and Martin in this 1800′s era setting. I even loved how they portrayed Mycroft to be slightly different than the Mycroft I love.
But then.
The Sherlock-ception started. And it went down and deep into the hill. Very fast.
By the time I was finished with it, I was like:
I waited for two years for this?
Ok, it’s a great script and all. But seriously, the inception-thingy is not really needed! Why can’t they just stick with this special being a… special? Why did they have to make it some sort of Sherlock’s mind game?
Urgh. It leaves a very bitter taste on my mouth. And when I found out that the next season will only start airing in 2017?

Seriously, BBC. No amount of Benedict and Martin can make me wait that long. Should I end our affair early?