Friday – 29.07.2016
I still have about 10 days of annual leave and to be honest… don’t know what to use them for. So I took a half-day off for the sake of Baby Fair.
This is my Nth Baby Fair and nothing excites me anymore. I am also not interested buying baby clothes here since Little Pea will use handovers from Zal anyway.
So I bought almost everything for myself.
Here are the loots!

I previously had one with a very cute pattern, but it got stained and yellowed now so Husband asked me to buy a new one for my next breastfeeding journey 👶
Decided on a black colour cause Little Pea is a boy and honestly I can’t be bothered by cute color anymore 😁

This is the compulsory buy. Sigh. None of my skirt can fit me anymore and my old maternity pants are all so worn out they keep slipping!
And my one and only maternity pants (which was S$50 after disc at Maternity Exchange) torn off after only a month of usage! I was so mad cause it’s quite expensive for my budget. 😤

I only have one hands free pumping bra from Simple Wishes. Bought it for almost S$50 almost two years ago and the price hasn’t gone down ever since 😩
So I bought this instead just in case. If it’s good, I can always buy more online.

And this is the ultimate buy!
I bought only the pump – without the lid. I have been reading rave reviews about this one and I decided I must have it cause it looks so handy!!
If I attended a meeting or training somewhere for just 2-3 hours, I can just bring this pump and my breast pump bag!
Saturday – 30.07.2016
Spent the morning organizing Zal’s old clothes that are still usable for his brother later. Lots of them are still looking like brand new. I feel guilty for buying too much.. but firstborns always excite parents, don’t they?

And then we went to buy some things for Zal’s cousins 🙂
… while the guy stayed to watch cartoons at the store.