A1 Concert – Here We Come .. Back! Singapore

You treat me like a rose
You give me room to grow
You shone the light of love on me
And gave me air so I can breathe
You open doors that close
In a world where anything goes
You give me strength so I stand tall
Within this bed of earth
Just like a rose

If you don’t know by now, I am just one of 90s boy bands fans out there. And when I saw that A1 was coming to Singapore (and the ticket is much much more affordable than BSB’s!), I jumped on the opportunity!

Truth to be told, A1 is not my favorite boyband, but I like them enough that I am willing to fork my wallet for Cat 2 ticket :p. Unfortunately, Husband was not interested at all, so I went alone.

I learned my lesson, so I took my time to go to Star Theatre :P. Concert is supposed to start at 8 pm, but I knew it’s not going to be at 8. Lol.

My seat! I didn’t realize that it’s actually quite close to the stage! On my right was the stage people, I guessed. They were busy with cameras and such.

They may be old, but they still got the moves!

Although, it’s not really A1 without Paul 🙁

Mark is really awesome though! I can see that three of them are really enjoying their time as a trio – playing instruments and all.

But I have to say.. Ben’s voice is <3. I know that he has the best voice in A1 since forever, but he’s just getting better with age!

But Christian is also very good, man! I just knew that he has so many stories behind most of A1′s songs. After I came back from the concert, I googled and wiki-ed A1 and then I found out that they wrote most of their songs!

But I have to say Ben + goatie = a bit meh.

Some more photos to spam..

…cause Ben’s voice is too good.

And he’s also quite a charmer…

Camera loves him!

Look at them busted “Take On Me” dance!

A bit lousy, but okay x)

Another panoramic view from my seat.

And one last photo to close the night.


Overall, I really really enjoyed A1 concert – perhaps even more than BSB’s. It’s shorter than the latter, but it felt really intimate somehow. The setlist was mostly from their 1st album hence the nostalgia was really strong.

The talks in between songs were quite short but they gave interesting stories such as behind-the-scene story of ‘Walking The Rain’ and ‘Everytime’. Christian is such a romantic though. While I never knew that Ben once had a very famous actress girlfriend. Tee hee. Tried to find the gossip online but nothing came up.

I must say – A1 has a very good voice and better than BSB (sorry Nick!). I don’t say that BSB doesn’t have good voice, but A1 has more stable and clearer voice. Probably due to their songs that are much slower and more mellow.

While watching the concert, I took down some notes. I keep this note as it is – so apologize for the incoherent thoughts :p (and fangirl antics lol)

  • Same Old Brand New You. Minus 1. Ben’s voice omg!!!
  • Be The First To Believe. Again, Ben!!!
  • Forever In Love. Omg!!!
  • Hey You. Accoustic and so awesomeeee.
  • Summertime Of Our Lives!
  • Ready Or Not!! I am dancing, yo!
  • Everytime. Christian told the story behind the song!! Clearly crowd’s favorite!!
  • In Love and Hate It. A1 asked everyone to dance. Everyone was standing but i wasn’t lol.
  • No More – accoustic version. So awesome!!!
  • ONE MORE TRY!!!!!! – Sorry, too excited. This is like my favorite song from them!
  • Walking In The Rain. Ben apparently has a background story on this song x)
  • Don’t Wanna Lose You Again. From “Waiting for The Daylight” album. Not so familiar with this one.
  • Heaven By Your Side.
  • Make It Good!! – Their last single before Paul left 🙁
  • Living The Dream – While they sang the song, old pictures from their early days were shown along with their fans :’)
  • When I’m Missing You – accoustic. Again, BEN’S VOICE!!!!
  • I’ll Take The Tears – short ver
  • Tomorrow – short ver
  • One Last Song – short ver.
  • Caught In The Middle – SCREAM!!!!!
  • Take On Me!!! – They killed the moves!
  • Like A Rose – encore

One last note – “Like A Rose” had me in tears. This is not even my favorite song, but somehow the lyrics scream hard at me. Which is why I put it in this entry’s opening.

A1 is maturing with their fans – it’s clear from the way they pleased the crowd and interacted with the audience. It’s too bad that we may need to wait for another 4 years before they come back again.

Full playlist of the concert available below:

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