Hamburg Day 1 – ICE Train

Bismillah, Our holiday started on Dec 21! Our train was scheduled at around 12.30 PM leaving Berlin Hbf. Initially, we planned to leave the house at 11 AM because the bus that is going to the Hbf only comes every 20 mins and we don’t want to risk getting late. But – of course, that…

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Hamburg Get Ready!

Bismillah, Hey ho! Happy holidays to all of you! Can’t you believe that it’s going to be 2019 – insya Allah – in less than a week? I feel like time just… flew by. I still remember I started 2018 with so much anxiety and unknowns and here we are, going to enter 2019 soon….

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Day 5 – On Religion

Bismillah, Wow where should I even begin with this topic.  This is again a very dear topic with my heart – for me, religion is the anchor of my life. My religion is one absolute truth for me. I can’t say the same for everyone, but this is where I stand when it comes to…

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Day 4 – On Drugs and Alcohol

Bismillah, I guess my stance as a Muslim is pretty clear on this. Drugs can only be administered under certain circumstances and if it’s absolutely needed. And as for alcohol, it’s definitely a big no for me.  I guess this is the shortest post on the blog challenge haha. 

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I love you, but

Mia stared at the man standing not too far from her – her eyes were blank. The old man fell silent after he said these words to her. “I made a mistake letting her go – many years back. I wish I told her how much I loved her and that I was willing to…

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Day 3 – Yourself in 10 Years

Bismillah, This is a hard topic. I honestly don’t like this kind of question cause I don’t exactly know what will happen in the future. But to be fair with this challenge… First of all, perhaps I should think of which country I would like to be in 10 years. I have few options: 1)…

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