Alhamdulillah it’s Monday!

Had a very bad morning due to lack of sleep. Recently Zal started to wake up very often at night, and he ALWAYS want to nurse for very long time. But I suspect it’s also due to my decreased supply this week. Well, what do you expect when Mrs. P starts her regular visit. Grawl….

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About social media recently

Ever since social media being the hip thing, everyone rushed into it like a flock. Share this, comment on that, etc. Then, people started to pour their life into their social media. Family events, what they are watching, what they are reading… to the point that they even pour their heart into social media. Got…

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Our prince turns one!

At first we didn’t really decide if we wanted to have a birthday party for Zal. For some reasons: 1. We don’t have that many friends in our clique 2. Will it be worth it? Since he’s only 1 and won’t remember anything, anyway. But eventually, we caved in cause we really wanted to do…

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