Gagal Move On

Postingan kali ini dipersembahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia karena disini udah jam set 3 pagi dan gw udah males mikir in English. Gw barusan aja browsing2 fesbuk dan ngeliat postingan beberapa orang yang abis hang out atau jalan2 sama temen2 nya. Yang gw tau, temen2 mereka itu temen2 jaman kuliah. Trus gw jadi kepikiran kan, kenapa…

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As we stood there, remembering everything from all the way back. My tears rolled down one by one, and yet you said nothing. I understood, that your silence meant, “I am sorry.” And I knew you knew, that my tears were “It’s time to say goodbye.” Our memories were never meant to be our destination. Our laughters…

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Tokyo Day 2 – Fail Hakone :(

One of Husband’s dream destinations in Japan is to visit Hakone and to see Mt Fuji. But sadly, it failed big time.. First, we woke up quite late. Second, we struggled to find the ticketing place that sells one round trip to Hakone (Shinjuku IS confusing. I should have learned my lesson). And third.. it…

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Tokyo Day 1 – Tokyo Tower and Meeting Kak Dian

(previously here) After some walking-back-the-memory-lane moments at Toudai, off we go to our next stop: Ueno Park and Ameyoko for some oh-very-delicious kebab!     Nothing much to do in Ueno Park. It was a bit chilly for us tropical creatures. Then because we’re already hungry – and because I want Husband to try my…

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Tokyo Day 1 – University of Tokyo with Friends

I was once a research student at University of Tokyo for 1.5 years. And although I didn’t pass the entrance exam for Master program, this place still holds special place in my heart. So we went there on our first day in Tokyo and met some friends 🙂 We also had picnics with friends 🙂…

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Tokyo Day 0 – Narita-bound

Our flight to Tokyo took off at 7 am, so we should be at Changi about 5 am for check in. Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to be ready at 4 am when you have a very active toddler who refuses to sleep early. We ended up only slept at 1 am, and…

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