On Sherlock Special 2016

Yeah. So on that. It has been two years that I had waited for this new special -whatever- anything that can give me my Benedict Sherlock fix. When the torrent was out earlier this morning, I went batshit crazy and couldn’t wait until we were finally home and watched it for our Saturday movie date….

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Opening a new page

To be honest, January 1 is just another date. It’s nothing special. Time still passes like usual; life keeps moving and doesn’t stop. But OK, in the spirit of new year, it’s time for me to reflect on 2015 and perhaps have some things to plan in 2016. Honestly, 2015 passed by just like a…

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Gagal Move On

Postingan kali ini dipersembahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia karena disini udah jam set 3 pagi dan gw udah males mikir in English. Gw barusan aja browsing2 fesbuk dan ngeliat postingan beberapa orang yang abis hang out atau jalan2 sama temen2 nya. Yang gw tau, temen2 mereka itu temen2 jaman kuliah. Trus gw jadi kepikiran kan, kenapa…

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… is powerful. It suppresses your anger in a way you never thought it would be. It calms you down and gives yourself some time to think. * OK yeah, I am not really good in writing poem or soothing words. So here it goes. Today I am so angry. I am angry beyond words….

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Afternoon Chat

Me : Hey, how many Muslims at your office? Y : A lot. About 70%. Me : And how many of them still care about which one is halal and which one is not? Y : Haha. There is still a lot that don’t care whether they’re already doing prayer or not. Much less about…

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We are happy for you!

When I first met him 13 years ago, he was just a little boy carrying a backpack and a big water bottle. He was (most of the time) the first one to reach class cause of his house location that is quite far from school and its famous traffic jam. Among three boys in our…

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