Love Songs Back Then

I am such a sucker when it comes to nostalgia. Which is why now I dedicated this Monday series for anything I missed from my childhood or teenage era. Perhaps this is not going to a regular series cause let’s face it, I am no longer one to keep up with schedules. But hey, for…

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Youkoso Tokyo : Where To Stay?

Once we’re done with the tickets, we’re rushing to book accommodation. First, we were looking for hotels around Tokyo. But most of them are either too far from the city or too small for a toddler to play around. And when we found one that’s perfect for us, the budget is waayy over. So we…

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A Walk To Remember (Fondly)

Cheesy title is cheesy, yea? :p Earlier this day, I read a TBT article of some celebrities posted their throwback pictures. One of them is Mandy Moore posting her old picture when she was filming A Walk To Remember. She looks gorgeous in her prom dress in that movie, btw. And to be honest, still,…

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I am just a human. I am weak. And I have my uncertainties sometimes. But being a Muslim, I know that I am in good hand. Allah will take care of everything for me, as long as I do my best according to His way. It’s a blessing to be a Muslim.

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Youkoso Tokyo : Where To Go?

I have always been a very organized person when it comes to my life, including budget control. That’s why, when I got married, I immediately take control of Husband’s budget and well.. do budgeting for our family every month 😏 One of our monthly budget is family holiday budget. We had a plan to have…

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When Earwax can be so annoying

As far as I can remember, I started to have my ear flushed quite regularly back in 2007. Then after that, I kept coming back to the doctor at least once every 6 months for the same thing: getting my ear flushed. It’s usually a quick process (albeit a bit painful), so I never thought…

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