My Breastfeeding Journey (so far)

Zal is now 20 months old. It’s been that long that I have been breastfeeding him; and it has been 17 months that I have been pumping at work. I won’t lie. I feel proud of myself. Alhamdulillah. It has not been an easy journeyl in fact, it’s so full of anxiety and panic attack….

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New Kid on The Block!

One fine Saturday morning, we were getting ready to visit one of our friends. And out of the blue, this boy decided to ditch his hate for a hat and even posed for few pictures! Oh how my boy has grown. I am so gonna miss his babbles soon ;~;

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Phone Call with Zal

Mama : “Udah mandi belum?” Zal : “BLUUUUU” (trans: belum) Mama : “Lagi mamam?” Zal : “Am!” (trans: makan) Mama: “Sayang Mama gimana?” Zal : “Emm-maaah!” (trans: em-muaahhh) Mama : “Ya udah deh. Assalamu’alaikum.” Zal : “Calam!” (trans: Wa’alaikumsalam). * He’s been so chatty these recent weeks it’s so fun to guess what does he mean sometimes x)

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What To Bring?

I wouldn’t mind much on what to bring if I travel alone haha. For my trip to Tokyo last year, I was even more concerned on stuffs I need to prepare for bringing my breastmilk back. Warm clothes what?  But this trip is a family trip. Bringing non-essential stuffs is going to be inevitable 😓

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