I should move on

Aran stepped out from her place with some of her friends. And there he was, chatting with his friends. Fabian. Aran fell silent. She was hurt. She still remembered how they went separate ways years ago. Without any explanation. No more texts, no more chats, no more… us. But she walked toward him anyway. If…

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Things I Love About My Husband

(brace yourself, this is going to be a post filled with sappy words and lots of compliments :p) His patience is really something If you know me, you know that I am a hot headed person. And luckily for me, Husband is the complete opposite. When I explode, he will just wait for me to…

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On Zal and School

Mum: If Zal can’t really speak Indonesian, then what will be of him at school later..? Me: … So many miscommunications in single chat, but I don’t think I want to correct them now. First, just because Zal speaks alphabets and numbers in English, doesn’t mean we don’t teach or talk to him in Indonesian….

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“I really… really like you…” Ella heard the voice from behind her. Toby’s hands were slowly enveloping her in a back hug. And Ella could feel herself moving away. No. “Ella.” “No,” she firmly said. And she felt like crying. I need him. And then she left, half running. * Ella finally found the elevator….

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22 months old

With the coming of December 12, I welcomed the 22th monthiversary of Zal! 🙂 Sometimes (ok, most of the times) I can’t believe that once a baby of mine is now a toddler. He’s just two months shy from 2 years old, and he’s already showing signs of wanting to have his own independence. Starts…

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Stop this war

Looks familiar? Yeah, it does for me too. I am always irked whenever I see a post like this; shaming working mothers as if they don’t love their children as much as stay at home mothers do. And really? Are you seriously comparing children with gold? A bit of disclaimer why I feel like I…

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