Visa Application

When I told my colleagues that I am gonna need to apply for Japan visa, most of them were surprised 😓 What do you mean you need to apply for Visa just to go to Japan? I thought Indonesians don’t need to apply! Well, sorry to burst your bubble… but yep, Indonesians DO still need…

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Breastpumps Review

A friend of mine said that I am a very persistent pumping mom. My boy is already 19 months old and yet I am still pumping 4 times a day just like the usual. She even said I may love pumping too much! Well, to be honest, every pumping mum will tell you that they…

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Sweeping The Poop

… literally x) So this afternoon I got a message from our helper. She said, Ma’am, Zal is so smart! He brought the broom to the living room while I was at the kitchen. To sweep his poop! I couldn’t stop laughing x)))))

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Afternoon Chat

Me : Hey, how many Muslims at your office? Y : A lot. About 70%. Me : And how many of them still care about which one is halal and which one is not? Y : Haha. There is still a lot that don’t care whether they’re already doing prayer or not. Much less about…

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Sunday Afternoon

It had been a hazy week. But finally the air cleared up a bit last Sunday, so we took Zal for a bit of outdoor play at Punggol Park 🙂 Look at his happy face after sliding down the slide. Clearly enjoyed seeing a lot of friends 🙂 Wondering what to do next… …. or…

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When Zal learns to do prayer

  Lately we have this routine at home that whenever one of us is going to perform prayer, we will tell Zal: “Zal, come on, let’s do ‘Allahu akbar’!” I didn’t know since when that he started to understand that ‘Allahu akbar’ means doing prayer for him, but whenever we tell those words to him, he will take…

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