How I Met Your Father

I was randomly browsing my feedly, and found this one article from BuzzFeed (love that website, always give me something good/interesting to read). Then I try to reminiscing how did I meet my husband, fell in love with him, and how did we end up being a couple. Twelve years ago. (this post is going…

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Tiger Mom

I grew up under a very strict regime and schedule by Dad. I wasn’t even allowed to play outside after school until I was about 7 or 8. My world was literally school and home. I wasn’t complaining much because at that time I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. Dad always told…

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Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid Mubarak! Hopefully everyone had a blessed Raya with their loved ones 🙂 As for us, we didn’t do much during Raya. I even missed the Raya prayer because we woke up late and no space left at the mosque for the ladies. After the khutbah, we went home and ate some (store bought)…

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Top 5 Favorite Anime

Like most of my peers, I grew up with anime. It was really big in Indonesia when I was a kid. TVs were bombarded with lots of anime, and I vaguely remembered about a TV station that once solely dedicated just for anime and cartoons. Anyway, I don’t think I need to explain what anime…

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Over the Edge

I’ve written about pleasing everyone before, and how do I think that pleasing Allah is better than trying to please everyone. But man, I am so tired. Everyone wants to be the first priority. Everyone wants to be in the need-to-be-visited list. Everyone wants us to come to them. LIKE WE OWE THEM SOMETHING! While…

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