
Fanny: *keluar dari kamar mandi* Fanny: “Sayang aku tuh tadi hampir aja lupa sabunan, padahal udah cuci muka sama sikat gigi.” Nelman: “…..”

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Backstreet Boys Singapore 2015

(Please beware that this post is going to be super long and wordy, you have been warned :p) WHOOOOOHOOOOOO. The first concert that I attended with Husband, and we truly truly enjoyed it. Although, being a rabid mom, of course, I had an episode of heart-wrenching drama when I left the house and Zal cried…

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Perkedel Panggang (Baked Mashed Potatoes)

Ever since I bought a real oven (REAL, as in having a function to really bake, haha), I have been itching to make something for Zal’s snacks! This weekend, I managed to make one, whohooo! So what did I make? (easy, just see the title above, lol) Ok, anyway here are the ingredients: 3 medium…

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On feeling old

I was reading a Facebook post by someone I know. Then another person that I also know, commented on it with this sentence, “Kapan kita karaokean bareng lagi??” (When will we do another karaoke session together again??) Her reply was, “Iyaaa, kangen masa karaokean pulang pagi.” (Yessss, I miss those times when we reached home…

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Love Songs Back Then

I am such a sucker when it comes to nostalgia. Which is why now I dedicated this Monday series for anything I missed from my childhood or teenage era. Perhaps this is not going to a regular series cause let’s face it, I am no longer one to keep up with schedules. But hey, for…

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Youkoso Tokyo : Where To Stay?

Once we’re done with the tickets, we’re rushing to book accommodation. First, we were looking for hotels around Tokyo. But most of them are either too far from the city or too small for a toddler to play around. And when we found one that’s perfect for us, the budget is waayy over. So we…

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