Week 9 – Makin hobi berulah

Tanggal 10 Juli kmaren, puasa udah mulai di Singapur. Terus terang, saya ga segitu pedenya bisa puasa full, tapi mengingat saya ga kepengen ngelewatin bulan ini, gw tau gw harus nyoba. Lagian, dokter nya Dekbay bilang, Ga ada masalah kalo mau puasa, just listen to your body. Nah, masalahnya, saya ga tahu kapan mesti listen…

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Week 8 – Ogah Telor

Gw bingung Dekbay maunya apa. Minggu lalu masih nyaman2 aja makan pake telor dadar bawang cabe sama nasi kecap (Gw nambah, sodara2), sekarang dikasih makan yang persis sama malah nolak. Ceritanya gini, kemaren gw tiba2 pengen makan sushi. Jadinya gw tarik lah si Suami buat nemenin makan sushi di resto sushi (satu2nya) yang halal disini….

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In memoriam

Just this morning, when I opened my Facebook and browsed through the news feed, I saw something that made my eyes went watery. An old friend from junior high school passed away last night, after being in a coma for two weeks. I wasn’t even that close to him since we were only in the…

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Week 5 – Tadpole!

Dear baby, It’s the start of your 5th week inside my belly. You’re still so small now. A lot of websites say that you look more like a tadpole rather than a baby. But you’re such a cute tadpole, I know it 😀 As for me now, I feel nothing different. Of course, morning sickness…

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Bye bye, Mr.Penguin!

When I first met him, we were competing in a Math competition back in 2001. I didn’t know his full name that time, but I couldn’t forget how did he look like: One expressionless kid, with fully-buttoned shirt and business-man bag. By the end of the day, I had strange feeling that perhaps I would…

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Elderly first

This is just a normal incident that I encountered today. I just got back to Japan and I already have some things to do, like getting hanko (stamp) from my Professor on my return form and give that form back to administration office. Well, seems like simple things yes? NOT. Well, it’s exaggerating to write…

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