February ‘17

How on earth is already March?! Two days back to work and I already need to take another childcare leave 🙁 Will perhaps write a separate post on the topic, but for now, please enjoy some pictures of Z and M from last month! 05/02/17 Isn’t this cute or isn’t this cute?! And coincidentally, Husband…

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Huat Ah!

This year’s CNY holiday is a long weekend, so we had plenty of time to do a lot of stuffs including visiting a friend and playing at the beach! Although the weather was not that friendly, but the windy days were really appreciated, alhamdulillah. But first.. morning situation.

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January ‘17

And just like that – in the blink of an eye – January passed by. February is finally here and only few weeks until I am back to work. As much as I love my boys, going back to work is somehow exciting for me. I would be the first one to vouch that stay-at-home…

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Blasts from The Past

I have been thinking to write something like this because I am such a sucker when it comes to nostalgia. Being a 90s kid, I am part of big changes. Kids these days won’t know some of the struggles we faced 10 years ago. Hmm actually they were not struggles lol- they were ordinary stuffs…

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December ‘16

08/12/16 Ever since M has been having trouble sleeping (i.e jerk motion), it’s getting very hard to get them photographed being sleeping together. I think this is one of the very few that is presentable (and Instagrammable lol) I managed to capture. 14/12/16 I was doing something on my laptop while accompanying sleeping M when…

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Year End and New Year!

I like this tradition of jotting down some of notes and next achievements (pppf) for the upcoming year – perhaps this is something that I will do quite often just to check how far I have come at some points of the year. Without further ado, here is for 2016 – the year of uncertainty…

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