Z’s antics (1)

My first born continues to entertain me with his antics and silly stuffs. Sometimes I am scared I will forget whatever he’s saying so I think, “Why not just write them on my blog?!” * 16/07/16 Z: “Where’s the iPad??” Me & Husband: 😱😱😱 Z: *cried* Z: *hugged me* Me: “Ask Papa. Say, please Papa.“ Z:…

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November ‘16

If you haven’t known by now, I love stars. And their exotic yet meaningful names. That’s why I named my first born ‘Aldebaran’. When I got pregnant for the second time and it’s a boy again, I was happy cause then I will be able to name him with another favorite star of mine, ‘Altair’. Having two…

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Out of your comfort zone

Husband had a very eye-opening chat with one of our seniors. And I have to say I felt really really thankful for that 🙂 We are nearing our thirties with two kids in a tow – and yet we are still quite unsure on where to go next. Sure, we have a very good life…

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Tea Tree Series Bodyshop

My skin has been really bad for the past few years. My acne scars are so hard to get rid off and they take a long time to be healed. I think I have tried almost everything that I could think of. Few months ago I stumbled onto this cream called Hiruscar and it was pretty…

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Muadz Altairanefa Lubis : The Birth Story

08.11.16 I went for my weekly check up on that day. Waited almost a whole day for the sake of 10 mins of meeting Dr.Citra. She was super busy that day. And she went for a delivery in the middle of lunch time. My appointment was scheduled at 11 am, and there were already a…

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